Congratulations to Lauren Rutherford, recipient of the IAFHMS Derek Eaves Research Grant!
We’re very proud to announce Lauren Rutherford is the recipient of the Derek Eaves Student Research Grant from the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAMFHS) for the project Healthcare in Correctional Facilities: Perspectives of Women with Criminal Justice Involvement on Gender-Specific Care! This study is an extension of a larger project evaluating correctional health […]
BCMHSUS Research Day: “Making Connections: Strengthening Mental Health and Wellness through Research”
BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services’ Research Day on the 7th of November, 2023 saw many distinguished speakers from the field. Under the theme “Making Connections: Strengthening Mental Health and Wellness through Research,” clinicians, researchers and individuals with lived expertise came together to discuss advances in the field of substance use and mental health, and […]
Faith Eiboff led Surrey Vulnerable Women and Girls – Report and presented preliminary findings at Community Forum
Several of our team members (Faith Eiboff, Karen Petersen, Tonia Nicholls, and Jessica Ahn) attended the Surrey Vulnerable Women and Girls – Community Forum, an event that brings individuals, organizations, and community leaders together to share experiences and collaborate on developing solutions and strategies to address the needs of vulnerable women and girls in Surrey. […]
Jessica Ahn and James Avery at the Canadian Psychological Association conference
Jessica Ahn and James Avery, two aspiring clinicians with our team, attended this year’s CPA conference in Toronto where they both presented posters. Jessica examined people on immigration holds in BC Provincial Correctional Centres. James presented findings on culturally safe care in BC Provincial Correctional Centres. Find Jessica’s poster here and James’ poster here! CPA […]
Congratulations to Jessica Ahn!
We are proud to announce that Jessica Ahn, one of our project coordinators, won the BPOC scholarship (for students who identify as Black or as a Person of Colour) by the Faculty of Graduate Studies in the amount of $4,500. This award is intended to recognize the student’s excellence in research and scholarly performance and […]
Congratulations to James Avery and Jessica Ahn!
We are pleased to announce that our project coordinators, Jessica Ahn and James Avery, have been awarded the Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s Program Award (CGS-M) by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). James has also received funding by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQSC) as an additional aide to […]