
Dr. Amanda Butler Receives the Dean’s Convocation Medal!

Dr. Amanda Butler Receives the Dean’s Convocation Medal!

Dr. Amanda Butler has been awarded the Graduate Dean’s Convocation Medal, an annual award that recognizes graduate students that have accomplished outstanding academic achievement. Amanda has a passion for research in the intersections of health and justice. Her doctoral thesis used population level administrative data from the BC Corrections system to study the intersections of […]

Team Members Presented at the American Psychology- Law Society Conference

Team Members Presented at the American Psychology- Law Society Conference

Several of our team members presented at the annual American Psychology-Law Society conference in Denver Colorado on March 17-19, 2022 (Armaan Rajan, Kelsey Alexander and Jennifer Krentz). Armaan and Kelsey, in collaboration with BC Review Board chair Ms. Alison McPhail, Dr. Christopher Webster, and Dr. Tonia Nicholls, delivered a talk on the use of virtual hearings […]

Dr. Nicholls Recognized as an Inspiring Female Leader

Dr. Nicholls Recognized as an Inspiring Female Leader

We are proud to announce that Dr. Nicholls was recognized as an ‘inspiring female leader’ by BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute BCCHR, Women’s Health Research Institute, and BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services Research Institute. In 2015, UNESCO and UN Women announced an annual day to appreciate and honor the important role women and girls […]

BCMHSUS Concurrent Disorders Conference attracts over 1500 participants!

BCMHSUS Concurrent Disorders Conference attracts over 1500 participants!

We are proud to announce that several of our team members presented at the 2nd annual BCMHSUS Concurrent Disorders Conference on  Mar 10, 2022. Dr. Heather Palis gave a talk titled “Mental health care utilization upon release from provincial correctional centres and risk of re-incarceration in British Columbia”. She described the association between mental health […]

Dr. Palis Awarded a UBC Institute of Mental Health Marshall Fellowship

Dr. Palis Awarded a UBC Institute of Mental Health Marshall Fellowship

Congratulations to Dr. Heather Palis, who has received an offer for a 5th Postdoctoral Fellowship! Dr. Palis received a UBC Institute of Mental Health (IMH) Marshall Fellowship in 2020-2021, and over the past year, she has been offered a CIHR PDF, a CIHR Health System Impact Fellowship, a MSFHR PDF and has now been offered […]

Dr. Christian Farrell Awarded the Dr. Jay C. Cheng Memorial Prize in Psychiatry from UBC

Dr. Christian Farrell Awarded the Dr. Jay C. Cheng Memorial Prize in Psychiatry from UBC

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Farrell received the Dr. Jay C. Cheng Memorial Prize in Psychiatry, awarded by the UBC Department of Psychiatry. The award is conferred upon a fourth year medical student who has demonstrated academic excellence in the field of Psychiatry. Congratulations Dr. Farrell on your amazing accomplishment!

Dr. Amanda Butler Successfully Defends her Dissertation

Dr. Amanda Butler Successfully Defends her Dissertation

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Amanda Butler successfully defended her doctoral dissertation: “Mental health needs, substance use patterns, and co-occurring disorders among adults admitted to prison in British Columbia, Canada” on September 13th. Dr. Butler, who was co-supervised by Dr. Lavergne and Dr. Nicholls, has now successfully completed her PhD in the Faculty […]

Dr. Heather Palis Receives 2021 MSFHR Postdoctoral fellowship

Dr. Heather Palis Receives 2021 MSFHR Postdoctoral fellowship

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Heather Palis was one of the recipients of the 2021 MSFHR Scholar and Research Trainee award. MSFHR Research Trainee awards support health researchers in training to build health research capacity and contribute to the success of BC’s health research landscape. Post-doctoral fellows or health professional researchers are provided […]

Dr. Nicholls Elected as the IAFMHS President-Elect

Dr. Nicholls Elected as the IAFMHS President-Elect

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Tonia Nicholls was recently elected as the President-Elect for IAFMHS. Dr. Tonia Nicholls has served the Association in various capacities over the years, including being the Editor of the International Journal of Forensic Mental Health from 2016 to 2020, Member-at-Large on the Board of Directors, and an Advisory […]

Dr. Palis Ranks in top 1% and receives two CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowships

Dr. Palis Ranks in top 1% and receives two CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowships

Dr. Heather Palis, who is working with Dr. Tonia Nicholls and Dr. Amanda Slaunwhite at the BCCDC, was not only successful in the CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship competition, she ranked in the top 1% receiving glowing reviews! She also was successful in receiving the Health System Impact Fellowship (declined due to accepting CIHR fellowship). Dr. Palis […]