We’re excited to announce our collaboration with the Knowledge Exchange on Reader Boards Project (KERB) by BCMHSUS!
KERB intends to raise awareness by communicating key mental health and substance use research findings. It aims to highlight overarching ideas from leading research by breaking them down into infographics to be displayed at sites across the province (eg; RedFish Healing Centre, Heartwood Centre for Women, Forensic Psychiatric Hospital).
Our infographic is based on research done in 2018 titled Examining the High-Risk Accused Designation for Individuals Found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder (Goossens et. al). It explored the designation of High-Risk Accused (HRA) on people found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder (NCRMD) between 2000-2005, and showed that people designated HRA were not anymore likely to reoffend than those not designated HRA. The research supports individual and illness-specific treatment based on the individual’s current risk, rather than their index offence.
KERB is the first step in larger plan at BCMHSUS to increase the reach of research in the field.
Read about the KERB Project here, (one pager).
Read the full research paper here!