In June 2022, several lab members travelled to beautiful Berlin, Germany for the annual IAFMHS conference. On the first day, Jessica Ahn, Armaan Rajan, and Dr. Nicholls presented an excellent symposium on the VERDICT study titled, “The VERDICT On Virtual Review Board Hearings For Forensic Psychiatric Patients: An Examination Of Virtual Engagement and Trajectories Since COVID-19.” The team reported on findings concerning the effectiveness of virtual review boards implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the discussant, Justice Richard Schneider sent in an informative video on virtual review boards and suggestions to improve current issues to better serve the population.
The next day, Dr. Nicholls and Dr. Amanda Butler woke up bright and early to participate in the IAFMHS FunRun. A huge congrats to them for their perseverance and motivation! In the afternoon, Dr. Amanda Butler, Abigail Yuen, and Dr. Nicholls presented a symposium on the JSAT data titled, “A Population-Based Study Examining Mental Health, Substance Use, and Co-Occurring Disorders, Risks, Referrals and Recidivism Among People Admitted To Prison.” focusing on how the BC corrections population demographics have changed over the past decade, and what mental health and substance use needs have risen during this time. For this very successful symposium, Dr. Sandy Simpson facilitated a discussion with the audience on how informative this huge dataset is for the future of corrections research. Lab alumni Jennifer Krentz also presented a poster titled, “Examining The Association Between Psychopathy and Gang Membership For Girls” in the morning, rounding out the lab presentation turnout.
The team was able to make new connections and reconnect with friends at conference this year, and was able to unwind in a wonderfully historic city. Many thanks to the IAFMHS for holding another exceptional conference, we are excited to head to Sydney for 2023!

Dr. Nicholls and Dr. Amanda Butler getting ready for the 7am FunRun in the streets of Berlin!

Dr. Sandy Simpson, Dr. Nicholls, Dr. Amanda Butler, and Abigail Yuen (left to right) at their symposium, titled, “A population-based study examining mental health, substance use, and co-occurring disorders, risks, referrals, and recidivism among people admitted to BC provincial prisons”

Title page of the VERDICT symposium by Dr. Tonia Nicholls, Armaan, Rajan, and Jessica Ahn, with discussant Justice Richard Schneider.