Celebrating PHSA’s Women In Science for International Day of Women & Girls in Science!

As International Day of Women & Girls in Science on February 11th approaches, PHSA celebrates women, girls, and members of two-spirit and gender diverse communities! They recognised efforts and contributions to provincial health services.
We’re extremely excited to share Dr. Tonia Nicholls’ inclusion in this celebration!

Grounded in gifted Coast Salish teachings, PHSA aims to build a culturally safe and inclusive workplave where everyone feels like they belong. This includes recognition of contributions and amplification of voices.

Dr. Nicholls was highlighted for her work in forensic research in BCMHSUS.
Her unique approach to the intersection of mental health and people involved with the criminal justice system is lauded for the awareness to the social determinants of health being critical components of the population she works with.

We thank all women, girls, and members of two-spirit and gender diverse communities for their involvement in all fields of science for their dedication to advancement. We encourage you to reach out with your accomplishments on this proud day.

Read more about the announcement here!