
Jessica Ahn and James Avery at the Canadian Psychological Association conference

Jessica Ahn and James Avery at the Canadian Psychological Association conference

Jessica Ahn and James Avery, two aspiring clinicians with our team, attended this year’s CPA conference in Toronto where they both presented posters. Jessica examined people on immigration holds in BC Provincial Correctional Centres. James presented findings on culturally safe care in BC Provincial Correctional Centres. Find Jessica’s poster here and James’ poster here! CPA […]

Congratulations to Jessica Ahn!

Congratulations to Jessica Ahn!

We are proud to announce that Jessica Ahn, one of our project coordinators, won the BPOC scholarship (for students who identify as Black or as a Person of Colour) by the Faculty of Graduate Studies in the amount of $4,500. This award is intended to recognize the student’s excellence in research and scholarly performance and […]

Congratulations to James Avery, recipient of the IAFHMS Derek Eaves Research Grant!

Congratulations to James Avery, recipient of the IAFHMS Derek Eaves Research Grant!

A big congratulations to James Avery who is the recipient of the Derek Eaves Student Research Grant from the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAMFHS)! Dr. Derek Eaves played a central role in research related to Forensic Mental Health and this award is in honor of his contributions. Yay James! Read more about […]

Congratulations to James Avery and Jessica Ahn!

Congratulations to James Avery and Jessica Ahn!

We are pleased to announce that our project coordinators, Jessica Ahn and James Avery, have been awarded the Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s Program Award (CGS-M) by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). James has also received funding by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQSC) as an additional aide to […]

Congratulations to Jessica Ahn!

Congratulations to Jessica Ahn!

We are very pleased to congratulate our project coordinator, Jessica Ahn, on her acceptance to the Masters of Arts program in Counselling Psychology at UBC! We wish her all the best as she starts a new chapter coming this September. Go Jessica!

First paper from Dr. Butler’s dissertation: “Prevalence of Mental Health Needs, Substance Use, and Co-occurring Disorders Among People Admitted to Prison” published!

First paper from Dr. Butler’s dissertation: “Prevalence of Mental Health Needs, Substance Use, and Co-occurring Disorders Among People Admitted to Prison” published!

We are pleased to announce that the study “Prevalence of Mental Health Needs, Substance Use, and Co-occurring Disorders Among People Admitted to Prison” conducted by Dr. Amanda Butler as part of her dissertation and her co-authors Dr. Tonia Nicholls, Dr. Sheri Fabian, and Dr. Ruth Lavergne has been recently published in the journal Psychiatric Services. […]

Lab Members at the IAFMHS 2022 in Berlin!

Lab Members at the IAFMHS 2022 in Berlin!

In June 2022, several lab members travelled to beautiful Berlin, Germany for the annual IAFMHS conference. On the first day, Jessica Ahn, Armaan Rajan, and Dr. Nicholls presented an excellent symposium on the VERDICT study titled, “The VERDICT On Virtual Review Board Hearings For Forensic Psychiatric Patients: An Examination Of Virtual Engagement and Trajectories Since […]

Congratulations to Dr. Amanda Butler, Recipient of a MSHRBC 2022 Research Trainee Award!

Congratulations to Dr. Amanda Butler, Recipient of a MSHRBC 2022 Research Trainee Award!

Congratulations to Dr. Amanda Butler, who has received a 2022 Research Trainee Award from Michael Smith Health Research BC (MSHRBC)! The award will support her study, titled Transforming prisons and improving health outcomes for people who use drugs: An evaluation of BC’s prison-based therapeutic community, which aims to identify the therapeutic communities (TCs)-related mechanisms of […]