#TraineeTuesday: Hilary Tsui got accepted into the University of Cambridge!
Congratulations to Hilary Tsui, who got accepted into the University of Cambridge for graduate studies! Hilary just completed her BA (Honours) in Psychology and Communication at Simon Fraser University (SFU). Although she came to SFU with the intention of becoming a journalist, she soon realised that she was more interested in psychology and human behaviour […]
#TraineeTuesday: Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Goody!
Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Goody, who recently was awarded the George A. Davidson Scholarship Award! Dr. Goody received an Honours degree in cell and developmental biology and a concentration in chemistry at Trinity Western University before attending medical school at The University of British Columbia. During his residency in Psychiatry at UBC, Dr. Goody helped […]
Abigail Yuen is co-author on IAFMHS paper and incoming MA Counselling Psychology student!
Congratulations to Abigail Yuen for co-authoring an IAFMHS paper and being accepted into an MA Counselling Psychology! WHO: Abigail graduated from The University of British Columbia in 2021 with a BA (Honours) in Psychology. She completed two honours theses and a directed study during her time at UBC. Abigail joined our team in 2021 and […]
How do people who have experienced an incarceration describe heaIthcare services? IAFMHS 2024 Conference Symposium
Our team conducted a symposium at the @IAFMHS 2024 Conference in San Francisco last month, during which we shared findings from our evaluation of Canadian correctional healthcare services. Our results highlighted the voices of people with lived and living experience of incarceration. Read the abstract below for an overview of our symposium. People who are incarcerated experience […]
#TraineeTuesday: Dr. Christian Farrell at IAFMHS!
One of our trainees, Dr. Christian Farrell, recently presented his paper, titled “Staff supported community outings among forensic mental health patients: patient characteristics, rehabilitative goals, and adverse outcomes”, at the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS) Conference in June 2024. The study involved investigating all Staff Supported Community Outings (SSCOs) that occurred at […]
JSAT (Jail Screening Assessment Tool) Symposium at IAFMHS 2024 Conference
Back in June, Dr. Nicholls and two of our trainees, Dr. Austin Lam and Liam Gorsuch, presented a symposium at the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services 2024 Conference, entitled “Examining the needs and trajectories of subgroups of people admitted to custody in provincial correctional centres: Substance use, Suicide, Sexually motivated offending and Women”. […]
Congratulations to Dr. Tonia Nicholls and Dr. Amanda Butler, who received a $1.3 million CIHR Project Grant!
The lab is pleased to announce that Dr. Tonia Nicholls and Dr. Amanda Butler, as Co-Principal Investigators, received a Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (CIHR) Project Grant! CIHR Project Grants are extremely competitive federal grants designed to support multi-year projects that show the most promise for advancing […]
#TuesdayTrainee James Avery has been accepted to McGill’s Clinical Psychology PhD Program!
Today’s #TuesdayTrainee James Avery was recently accepted into a Clinical Psychology PhD Program at McGill University! James has been a part of our lab since 2021 as a research assistant. James graduated from McGill University in 2022 with a B.A. in Psychology (Dean’s Honour List, First Class Honours), having completed two honours theses. The first […]
Congratulations to James, recipient of a SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters!
We are pleased to announce that James Avery, one of our research coordinators, was awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters (CGS-M) award by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)! His proposed research will assess how cultural values moderate the relationship between students’ motivation and their progress toward personal goals. He […]
International Women’s Day at the Nicholls Lab!
This International Women’s Day at the Nicholls Lab we’re celebrating the accomplishments of the formidable women in our lab by sharing the strides they’ve made in the last year. This year’s tagline ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress’ builds on the day’s aim to draw attention to women’s achievements and the fight for gender equality. We […]